Looking back to 2022
The Prague project is still running. It grows beautifully and turns into a long-term impulse. The Climate Rules project day took place at all participating schools, the teachers started working on the methodologies and now we are waiting for the…

EDUCRU in motion
We are still continuing the EDUCRU project – education about Climate Rules in context, where students from 25 schools play a project day in the premises of the Deloitte partner organization in 5 countries (CZ, SK, SLO, PL and HU)….

Weiden – International School
The last week of June was marked by an international meeting. We were invited to an innovative university in Germany (Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden) where was the International Summer School of Sustainability. Over 30 students from different parts of…

We have taken the first successful step in the EDUCRU project. We organized a project day across the Czech schools – Plzeň / Rakovník / Rokycany / Most / Kladno in the office of Deloitte in Prague. Each school represented…

Project days
We are on tour! Visiting schools around CZ. It is amazing. Thank to all students and teachers. We are on flow of cooperation 🙂 team nvias

Erasmus +
Youth education on climate rules in context 5 countries25 schools (5 from each country)125 students (5 from each school) The Climate Rules project day has become part of an international project that aims to kick-start the education of sociaty through…

Social Impact of Climate Rules
As part of the Operational Program Prague – growth pole of the Czech Republic, a joint project Social impact of Climate rules was created for teachers and students of primary and secondary schools, supporting the development of competences for sustainable development and…

XMas online day of Climate Rules
The planned online project day finally found its place in the holiday season. We were lucky with plenty of enthusiastic people who devoted their time to create a great future for our planet and ourselfs. All players managed to keep…

Climate Rules as a camp
Climate Rules as a camp in Science Center Techmania! During summer holiday we made in cooperation with Pilsen region suburban one week camp Climate Rules. Our goal is not point on negatives news but just show that everything is possible…

Is renewable energy the right way?
Important part of Climate Rules is to develop 21. century skills. Let’s take a look at an example for Critical thinking. Renewable vs Nuclear Everybody is probably familiar with the promotion of renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind…

Climate Rules & entrepreneurship
Children participating in camps to support entrepreneurship had a unique opportunity to experience the Climate Rules project day. As the name suggests, the project day addresses global issues with global warming, pollution, etc. Students in individual teams, representing different countries,…

Technologies for sustainable development
Important part of Climate Rules is hands-on experience with technologies which have a potential to help us with sustainable developments. Hydrogen technologies Using convertible fuel-cells from Horizon, students explore the potential of hydrogen economy. They use Hydrogen in mobility and…