
Is renewable energy the right way?

Important part of Climate Rules is to develop 21. century skills. Let’s take a look at an example for Critical thinking. Renewable vs Nuclear Everybody is probably familiar with the promotion of renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind farms to save the climate. But what about when those technologies destroy the environment?  At […]


Technologies for sustainable development

Important part of Climate Rules is hands-on experience with technologies which have a potential to help us with sustainable developments. Hydrogen technologies Using convertible fuel-cells from Horizon, students explore the potential of hydrogen economy. They use Hydrogen in mobility and in energetic infrastructure with renewable energy sources. Artificial inteligence One of the task with AI […]


First prototype

Part of our developing process is prototyping with educators. It was very importat to get the feedback related to multi subject topics in the project day and to evaluate the complexity of the program too. The teachers gave us usefull opinions related to the explanations of the rules at the begining of the game from […]